Better One Hand Full


Better One Handful

I sit listening as Craig Groeschel gives the guest message. My mind soaking in the focus verse.

Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind. Ecclesiastes 4:6

He speaks on letting go of what does not matter and fighting for what does. Of how chasing after too much and keeping two hands full we are not able to do anything well.

There is wisdom in keeping life simple.

We chase after more stuff, more money, more recognition, more busy-ness. How can we learn He is sufficient amidst the chaos we have created in our chasing?

In simplicity God shows us He is sufficient.


In the Quiet

“Cease striving and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10

Striving to make ourselves and life better is not a bad thing.  But when the striving  becomes two handfuls instead of one then how can our minds be at peace? How can we know He is God when we are relying on ourselves instead of Him?


Juggling vs Serving 

How can we serve others with the love of Christ if both hands are juggling everything we are striving to achieve?  When a friend needs our ear does our overly packed schedule push them away?


Too Busy to be Grateful

When our minds are full of chaos we run from one meeting to another activity to another meeting. There isn’t room for our minds to give thanks. We cannot be sincerely grateful unless we slow down and know that He is God.

We cannot give thanks with two hands closed. We cannot clench the gifts He’s given us so tightly or we will lose them.

We can only share the gifts He gives us with a hand stretched open to Him.


Are you grasping with two hands full? Or do you know He is sufficient with one open ready to serve and give thanks?

Continuing to count the gifts:

841. For a productive day. (2.7.12)

842. For an amazing twelve year old letting me rub his head before he went to bed. (2.8.12)

843. For energy to get the chores done. (2.9.12)

844. For how Sam lights up when he’s around his friends. (2.10.12)

845. For bowling with Chris while Sam and his friends bowled. (2.10.12)

846. For eight hours of straight sleep. (2.11.12)

847. For birds singing in the trees on a cold morning. (2.11.12)

848. For a winter forecast. (2.11.12) 

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