Eucharisteo – An Update

Eucharisteo. My One Word for 2011. My One Little Word.

How am I doing? Living out this word? This word I know will change me? Learning to live an attitude of thankfulness? Some days good, some days not so good.

It truly is a habit I’m having to form. It’s easy for me to slip into that state of mind where I let situations frustrate me or dwell on everything that is going wrong. Rainy days are harder. Sunny days easier. Days I exercise easier. Skipping more than one day of exercise and on that second day it is more difficult to count the gifts. Recognizing those whose negativity leaks into my own spirit causes me to guard my mind.


But I’m not giving up. This may be the hardest ‘one little word’ I’ve chosen. Not such a little word really. All the more reason I need to let it change me.

I am listing one thousand gifts. As I write this I’ve listed fifty-nine. I’ve shared some of these gifts below.

How is your One Word for 2011 going? What is a gift you are grateful for today?

The Gifts

1. Clouds sitting atop morning light.

2. Winter clouds like fluffy blankets.

3. Sweet toddler babe napping in my arms.

4. Unexpected text message from a dear friend.

5. Raindrops bouncing like dancers at a ball.

6. Feet able to run. Never imagining they could or would.

7. The feel of crisp mornings reminding me I am still alive.

10. Noise of children as they learn about illusions.

11. A friend’s kind words about my 2011 word of the year blog post.

12. Knitting, the soothing repetition of the stitches.

14. Squirt’s imagination.

17. Squirt’s fingers as they strum the guitar.

18. Afternoon sun streaming through the trees behind our house.

19. Blinding yellow sun breaking through grey winter clouds. (1/9/11)

20. Ice covered roads allowing to sleep late and an unexpected lazy day. (1/10/11)

21. Warm fire to sit by on a frigid day. (1/10/11)

22. Glimpses of sunshine during rainy, gloomy days.

29. Sunlight glinting off lake water. Sparkling diamonds amidst grey of winter. (1/15/2011)

30. Sunny sky & warmer temps in the middle of a cold winter. (1/16/2011)

34. A husband who loves to play with our son. (1/19/11)

35. Walking outside to sunshine & blue sky when I was expecting dreary. (1/21/21)

37. Squirt singing/humming his own made up songs while he gets a bath. (1/25/11)

39. Online friends I may never meet but I can connect with and they offer to pray. (1/27/11)

45. Hot tea cooled to just the right temperature.(1/31/11)

46. A lone bird singing amidst the grey cloudy afternoon. (1/31/11)

48. Favorite lunch place with my best friend. (2/3/11)

49. 4 miles walking/running with no pain in my hip flexor. (2/5/11)

51. Quarter crescent moon in the night sky with a planet to its east. (2/6/11)

52. My best friend calling & offering to pick up lunch from one of our favorite places. (2/7/11)

54. The strength to run 1.5 miles instead of just 1. (2/8/11)

57. A friend who texts to tell my son Happy Birthday. (2/8/11)

58. The deep orange hue glow of the sunset atop the horizon. (2/8/11)

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