Rain or cloudy skies greeted each morning. Only brief moments of sunshine through the bleakness of five days. My melancholy bent waiting rather impatiently for sunshine. Pushing my mind to be grateful. To give thanks for the graces.
105. An indoor place to run amidst the heavy downpour of storms.
106. A warm home and a favorite chair on a cold rainy day.
I’ve never liked rain. I’m not sure anything else can effect my mood as surely as more than one day of rain. Days of nothing but gray and rain….no thank you.
But resting in my spot, in that favorite comfy chair, I listen to the rain fall. Learning to give thanks even through the gray. A task not so easy for me during that week of rain and clouds. Failing to stop and count each grace gift even through the rain. Only naming a few. But maybe that is where to start.
Isn’t that what this word, this Eucharisteo, is teaching me? That I must learn to discipline myself and give thanks even through the rain? The habit formed to carry the joy through difficult times that may appear?
So I start afresh. Reminding myself again to keep counting and giving thanks for each even when rain falls and gray clouds surround.
91. Nice anniversary dinner with Chris. (3/1/11)
94. The energy to increase my running distance a little. (3/3/11)
95. Motivation to get the house back in order & clean. (3/4/11)
96. Strength to run even when I had so much else on my mind. (3/4/11)
99. A best friend unafraid to call in tears when making one of the toughest decisions she will ever have to make. (3/4/11)
100. Sleeping with the windows open and waking to early morning rain. (3/5/11)
107. For sunshine greeting me as I wake. (3/10/11)
108. Lunch with a wonderful mentoring friend. (3/11/11)
109. Midday moon against brilliant blue spring sky.(3/12/11)
110. Time with my best friend over a grilled cheese. (3/12/11)
111. Sunday afternoon nap. (3/13/11)
112. Blue of the evening sky just after sunset. (3/13/11)