The house is a mess. Dishes need to be cleaned up. Beds need to be made. Floors need to be vacuumed. Yet I stand listening and singing along to worship songs. Ignoring all the tasks around me. Letting the music bring me to a place of worship. Of prayer. Weary of these feelings of hurt. Praying God will take them away. Focusing on gratitude I walk around our home giving thanks. For the guitar and little fingers learning to play. For my favorite chair I curl up in to read and write. For white porch rocking chairs where I can sit and listen to the birds. For the legos scattered all over a messy child’s room. For a wide yard and a husband who enjoys working in it.
Eucharisteo. Reading Ann Voskamp’s poetic words. God giving me this word for my year. Never realizing how it would challenge me to grow. How disciplining myself to count the graces would be a retraining of my mind. Of my thoughts. How I would be tested. I fail yet I continue. Searching for each grace. Each gift.
299. For sun on my face & a breeze to keep me cool as I run. (5/16/11)
300. For Mary Chapman on her 15th birthday. (5/17/11)
301. For Sam being patient with learning to put contacts in. (5/17/11)
302. For the confidence the contacts seem to give Sam. (5/17/11)
303. For it only taking Sam 20 minutes to put his contacts in before leaving for school. (5/18/11)
304. For Sam being able to take his contacts out with little problem after six hours of wear. (5/18/11)
305. For my iPad and wifi at school. (5/20/11)
306. For kids bursting into song. (5/20/11)
307. For listening to children’s made up stories. (5/20/11)
308. For a farmers tan from field day. (5/20/11)
309. For the sun glowing behind the clouds. (5/20/11)
310. For laundry done all in one day. (5/21/11)
311. For lazy Saturdays. (5/21/11)
312. For Lori. (5/21/11)
313. For Sam unloading the dishwasher without being asked twice. (5/21/11)
314. For middle of night wakings to pray. (5/22/11)
315. For Sam getting up & getting ready without argument. (5/22/11)
316. For a smooth Sunday morning getting ready for church. (5/22/11)
317. For the guitar and little fingers learning to play it. (5/23/11)
318. For my favorite comfy chair to curl up in to write and read. (5/23/11)
319. For white porch rocking chairs where I can sit and listen to the birds. (5/23/11)
320. For legos scattered all over a messy child’s room. (5/23/11)
321. For a wide yard and a husband who enjoys working in it. (5/23/11)