Hello Again Friends! (And An Art Giveaway)

Edited to add: The winner is Jamie! I’ll most likely be giving away more paintings in the future too! Thanks for everyone who commented and entered!

Hello friends! I’ve missed blogging, but the time away was really good. I decided that along with giving up desserts for 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting that I would take that time away from the blog and twitter.
I’m still processing what all I learned over those three weeks. In some ways I feel I learned a lot and in other ways I felt like I was supposed to learn more than I did. Like I was supposed to have some epiphanie yet I can’t say I did.
I had difficulty focusing on the prayer aspect. Even more so than during a typical time. I’m still thinking through this part of it.
Giving up desserts was hard. The detox headache lasted four days and it was probably around day seventeen when I didn’t crave them. Which is odd because I don’t normally eat a dessert or sweet treat every day.
What I did learn however was a much needed reminder: God is sufficient if we will simply ask. It was Wednesday evening of the second week. Several nights of restless sleep had left me frustrated. My prayer as I laid my head on the pillow that night was “Lord please give me the energy to wake early to spend time with you, exercise, and then clean house.”
My eyes opened at 5:15 a.m. the next morning. Nothing short of a miracle. Energy to get up instead of rolling back over under the warm covers. By noon I had accomplished what I had prayed for.
I know it’s simple and not a big “aha!” moment. But for me it was a quiet reminder that He is sufficient always and especially when I ask.
So I’ve decided to celebrate here as I ease myself back into a blogging routine with a giveaway.
I’m giving away the painting you see here. While I did paint this it is not an original. As I have been learning to paint over the past two years I often find paintings from artists whose style I like and try to paint one of their paintings. When we visited Asheville last fall I discovered Jonas Gerard. I could have spent hours in his gallery/studio studying his paintings. So this is one that I copied from him. I am learning so much from studying his work and have a couple of my own in the works now inspired by his style.

And as I will never sell paintings that I copy from an artist and between my son’s and my art we only have so much room in our home I have decided to begin giving some of them away.
To be entered in the drawing simply leave a comment below in the comments section. That’s it. One entry per person. I’ll draw a name Sunday, February 5.

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