I wake early. Much earlier than I prefer. My body and mind battling. Thoughts running through my mind of tasks waiting to be done. My body wanting to sleep just a bit longer.
The winning side changing from day to day. But on this morning the mind finds victory.
Moving to my favorite chair I read the scriptures for the day. As I journal I glance back and forth from the page to the east facing windows.
Barely a hint of dawn peeks above the treeline. Slowly pink, purple, yellow begins filling the horizon.
Perhaps these early morning awakenings and restless nights are a reminder that His mercies are new each morning. His grace is always there.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV
How easily we forget. Quickly our minds can lose trust in what we cannot see as we absorb all we do see.
Guilt of yesterday’s mistakes tries to steal joy and sleep. My psyche replaying what I should have done. Yet His grace never departs.
So my listing of each gift continues in spite of what I see. In spite of droughts and hurricanes. In spite of human horrors and friends burying children. In spite of illness and children struggling.
The listing. Reminders of His faithfulness and mercies anew each day. Reminders of His mercies and grace. Reminders to trust.
546. The hint of Fall in the early morning air. (8/29/11)
547. For words written. (8/31/11)
548. For rain. (8/31/11)
549. For making it through subbing at school. (9/1/11)
550. For motivation to cook dinner after a rough afternoon subbing. (9/1/11)
551. For a relaxing time at the pool to read. (9/2/11)
552. For cool morning temps. (9/3/11)
553. For catching the sun rise. (9/3/11)
554. For no ankle pain after a week off running. (9/3/11)
555. For an afternoon of lower temps to lay by the pool. (9/3/11)
556. For my friends at Highlands. (9/4/11)
557. For a bit of motivation to exercise. (9/4/11)
558. For waking up to pouring rain. (9/5/11)