I'm here. As I start typing this it's 11:56 p.m. Way past my bed time and almost hump day. I've taken my 365 photos, but have yet to upload them.
Had a fun evening with some ladies in my Sunday School class from church. We had a crafty night and made cards.
Still so many things to get done before I leave Saturday. I'm getting really excited about going to New York. I have a lot to do before I leave though thus it being way past my bedtime. My eyes are quite heavy at the moment, but I wanted to get my address book updated in Microsoft Outlook and get it synced up with my blackberry. I'm quite happy with myself for getting that all done. That's one thing down and now about 4 more things to go (not including the laundry and packing). Tomorrow will be quite busy. I'm subbing Thursday and Friday so I've got to be very focused tomorrow.