The creek winds alongside the two lane highway as we make our way to the small town. The foothills the backdrop for my little research expedition to the town’s tiny library. Curiosity wondering about the creek name, if legend has written it correctly.
Later, I drive along the winding road from the valley community of my childhood over the mountain to the university nestled among these foothills of home. In a state where your loyalty and allegiance to one of two teams must be declared at birth, I am not what most consider a true fan. No, instead I am a Gamecock, through and through.
Along the northeastern side of Alabama you find these foothills as the Appalachians come to an end. No matter where I may live and call home this place is always home.
These foothills and valleys, they are in my bones.
Scientist can learn a lot from bones: geography of where a person lived, nutrition, and many other facts. So much of our story to be found in our bones.
I used to hear old people say “I can feel it in my bones.” As a child I’m sure I rolled my eyes at their musings, but as an adult I understanding what they mean. Some things you just sense and there is really no way to describe it except that you know it in your bones.
Just as the foothills and valleys I love so much are in my bones I wonder if I will ever know in my bones the truths God teaches me.
Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands: Your walls are continually before Me. – Isaiah 49:16
You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. – Psalm 139:5
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. – Psalm 139:14
I remind myself of these truths so often forgotten. When a hurtful word comes my way or I allow uncertainty and fear to win, my thoughts do not always turn to His face at once. So He continues teaching my heart. His Spirit whispering reminders to my soul.
One day I will know these truths without reminder. One day my bones will not only feel it, they will know that this is their story.