I started a bullet journal in January instead of using a traditional planner this year. Yes, I know I’m a little late to the party on this, but that’s okay. I still use a calendar app on my phone so I get a ding to remind me of an appointment and also for shopping checklists but I find my brain needs an analog planner. There’s something about physically putting pen to paper that you don’t get with digital. I used the Erin Condren planner for a couple of years and while I liked it, I wanted just a bit more flexibility in how mine was set up. I searched and searched, but could never find one set up just like I wanted it to be.
I had read about bullet journaling but was a bit overwhelmed by it all. Then I read a blog post from The Lazy Genius that simplified it tremendously for me. I started from there and was basically using it just to list the tasks and errands I needed to run each day, and while I liked it, it wasn’t working as well as I had hoped.

Then last week I saw a friend’s bullet journal & liked how she had hers set up. She sectioned hers off for different areas of her life. For some reason seeing hers caused something to click in my brain and give myself permissions to tweak mine that way. Having sections was the one thing I really liked about my Erin Condren planners, but it had 3 sections per day. After seeing my friend’s and how she had set up her sections weekly, I realized that’s how I needed to do mine!
I modified my bullet journal to work for the different areas I need using a weekly layout and am really liking it now. I know it will continue to evolve over time and I love the flexibility a bullet journal provides to do just that, evolve each week.
What do you use for a planner? Do you bullet journal? If you do, what all do you use your bullet journal for? I would love to hear!