The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised. Matthew 27:51 (NASB)
I read this verse as the pastor reads aloud and catch myself. Reading it once again I pause and wonder.
How many times have I read this passage and never truly read this verse. In the midst of this passage which defines our faith I pause and wonder.
Wait. What?
But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argues about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgement, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” Jude 1:9 (NASB)
Again I wonder. Thinking to myself, “wait. What?” Michael the archangel only mentioned a handful of times yet in one he is arguing with Satan over the body of Moses.
Some days the passages speak softly, slowly seeping into my spirit. Some days gleaning nothing it seems. Yet then there are days like these when the words jump from page and shake my thoughts.
These verses that make me wonder. That catch my breath. Once again reminding me of the mystery of faith. How many times will I read and once again stop and pause.
We are told His ways are higher than our ways. The difficulty lies in resting in this. Especially when it comes to life.
We want to be in control. We want to know the next step. But we can’t always know. So how do we learn to rest in spite of the not knowing?
I don’t have an answer really. Clichés and trite answers do not always help.
I wonder if we are to truly embrace the mystery of our faith means to rest in the unknowing.
Faith can seem a paradox at times. Learning that He is sufficient has meant resting in the unknowing. Resting in this mystery knowing I will not always understand life happening around me. Even when circumstances would dictate discontent I am learning more and more to rest in the mystery.
For there is beauty to be found in it all. In passages that shake me and ones that slowly speak truth.
By embracing the mysteries of faith our hearts learns just how much He loves us.
Continuing to count the gifts:
942. For unexpected grace via text. (4.23.12)
943. For sleep. (4.24.12)
944. For a beautiful sunrise. (4.24.12)
945. For cardinals in the yard. (4.24.12)
946. For encouragement from online friends. (4.26.12)
947. For a morning exploring with my camera. (4.27.12)