When Joy asked me if it would be okay if she linked to me as one of her featured bloggers for the month I was humbled and honored that she would ask. I mean Joy writes for Deeper Story so I was blown away that she would even ask. I had recently read Jeff Goins post on guest blogging so I decided to take a chance and ask Joy if she ever considered her featured bloggers for guest posts. The worst she could say was no right? But she said yes and once again I was in awe of another gift of grace. I was nervous and felt that resistance while trying to write, but I plunged through and I am extremely grateful to Joy for the opportunity.
Restless. It feels as if God has me in a season of restlessness recently. I'm not sure why. A couple of situations are causing me sadness & worry, but I can’t really say these are plaguing my thoughts.
So I wonder if it is an anxiousness or just a sense changes are coming? I’m unsure. I know I can trust that God is working in all things.
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to hose who love God, those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 (NASB)
My mind races from one task to the next. Laundry, dinner, my son's activities, writing….the list goes on and on. If you're a mom you understand don't you?
But it's not only the busyness…..read more of my guest post at Joy In This Journey.