The Tallest of Smalls by Max Lucado

With his latest children’s book, The Tallest of Smalls, Max Lucado introduces us to Ollie. Ollie lives in Stiltsville, a town of the too smalls and the too talls. The town of Stiltsville filled with people of every shape and size of course has a group designating themselves the “in” group, deciding who’s in and who’s not by handing out stilts every evening at 6.

Of course all Ollie wants is a pair of stilts, to be part of the in crowd, to feel tall. What he discovers is that being part of the “in” crowd and being tall isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. He becomes a perch for birds while all the while trying to keep balanced. After falling he learns that knowing Jesus made him and loves him means so much more than someone else thinking you’re cool.

Max Lucado brings us another one of his wonderful stories reminding us how important each of us is to God.  While my favorite Lucado children’s books remain “Hermie” and “You Are Special” The Tallest of Smalls brings a very similar lesson. It is a lesson that we all need reminding of every now and again. That no matter how small, alone or left out we feel we are still tall in God’s eyes.

Thank you to Thomas Nelson Publishers for providing me with this book to review.

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