Choosing Our Thoughts
Most people believe we can’t choose our thoughts. And while we may not be able to choose the thoughts we…
What is Your Core Fear?
God has really been teaching me about fear and the impact living in fear can have on our lives physically,…
I want to share something with you this week that had a powerful impact on me recently. Does life have…

Over the past few years God has given me a passion and joy in learning about personalities and the different…
What Do You Want Most?
We’ve all thought about this question. Maybe we want to be further in our career. Maybe we want to be…
The Robin in the Rain
As I’m building my coaching business I’m still working another job. My manager recently took another job. I fully support…
What Are You Hoping For & What’s Holding You Back?
I don’t like setting goals. And heaven forbid I set a resolution. It’s going to last all of maybe 3…
My Top Books for Learning How to Cultivate Peace & Calm in Your Life
I grew up hearing and reading the scriptures that said “do not fear” and “cast all your cares” and “…

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda
Are you constantly thinking about what you should have done? Or could have done? Or would have done if x,y,…
Do You Feel Seen?
I read an article recently about Van Gogh. The article talked about how two years before his death he was…

The Gift of You
Do you know you have gifts and strengths? Maybe no one has ever told you that, but I want you…

Do You Know Your Worth?
Do you know your true worth? Whether consciously or unconsciously, do you base your worth on your paycheck? Or your…

A Practice of Rest
Sabbath. It’s something that became almost sacred to me during 2020. The world was so noisy and filled with so…
Joy cannot be found outside of ourselves. It can only be found when we are following the way of Christ…

Just Simply Be
Do we know how to just be? My contemplative book club just finished Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth and in…
In a Hurry
I was on my way home from work one recent Friday & traffic was heavier than usual. The university students…
Why I Do What I Do
Do you ever feel like you are constantly struggling to hold on to your inner peace? Does it seem like…
Expectations & Egos
I was talking to a friend today & she was sharing about a situation she was in the middle of…
The Slow Work
It’s late afternoon/early evening. I’m never sure what time of day this is during the late spring/summer when it’s 6…
What if We Flipped the Script?
“God’s position on humanity hasn’t changed. But humanity’s position on themselves has.” This is a quote from an episode of…

The Spiritual Practice of Sourdough Bread Making
Over the past year I’ve come to see everything as spiritual even if I do not perhaps see it in…
Why the Enneagram?
Have you ever done something or said something that almost immediately, or later, you wonder why on earth you did…

The Spiritual Practice of Flowers
There is something holy about being in the garden just after sunrise tending to and cutting flowers before most of…

Kingdom of Noise – Part 2
Noise and Fear. These seem to be two major themes God is teaching me about and revealing truths about to…
Kingdom of Noise
We live in a kingdom of noise as C. S. Lewis put it in The Screwtape Letters. Maybe not audible…
Everything Comes Down to Fear or Love
Every thing, every action or reaction, every word spoken or message shared with others, is done out of either fear or out…
Intentionality Listens
I overheard part of a phone conversation at work yesterday and it got me to thinking about something. It also…
Be Curious, Not Judgmental
“Be curious, not judgmental.” This quote is attributed to Walt Whitman. It seems to mis-attributed from the research I’ve done,…
Hello Blank Page
Oh hello blank page. Where did two years go? I’m sitting here looking at my blog and wondering where the…

Celebrate their Wins
Earlier this week I found out a friend had something really good happen for them. I can’t share what exactly…
The Myth of Balance
Balance is a myth. These baskets of laundry sat on this bench in our bedroom waiting to be folded for…
Light from Distant Stars Book Review
“He stares down at the body again, and sadness keeps him leaning to one side. It’s the physical weight of…
In the Midst of Grief
Disclaimer: If you are struggling and find yourself sinking into depression and unable to function normally or even if you…
My Journey with Bullet Journaling
I started a bullet journal in January instead of using a traditional planner this year. Yes, I know I’m a…
I Was Anastasia
Possible Spoiler Alert Is it possible to love and hate a book all at the same time? I Was Anastasia…
Listening to Lately
Up & Vanished podcast The first season of this podcast investigates the missing persons case of the young Georgia beauty…
Her name is Elizabeth. And she prays.
She’s there almost every time I go to Walmart. An older lady, just sitting greeting each and every person. Walmart…
Reading People by Anne Bogel
Anne Bogel’s Modern Mrs. Darcy has long been one of my favorite blogs. One of only a handful I read…
Grandaddy Cribbs
Me with my Grandaddy Cribbs around a year old. Some days, even at 43, I feel old. I think I’ve…
Sweet Girls
My sweet nieces are growing so fast. Last week we went to the gardens to take their yearly photos. It…
What’s Saving Me Right Now
Well hello blog. It’s been a minute I guess. But what better way to get back to it than linking…
Grief. Joy. Grace.
Grief: deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone’s death. Mourning: the expression of deep sorrow for someone who has died, typically…

Goats, Goats & Baby Goats
The goats on my brother-in-law’s farm had babies recently. I think goats are my favorite farm animal. What’s your favorite farm…
What I’m Into Lately
Hello there. It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. A good friend told me that age fifteen of having…
Giftings & Purpose
Can I tell you a secret? God created you with a purpose. He created you with gifts and abilities to…
Excellence Does Not Equal Perfection
I’ve been thinking quite a bit lately about excellence versus perfection. Have you ever had such a good experience that…
Home. The Long Way Around.
“Clara sometimes asks me if I dream. Of course I dream I tell her. Everybody dreams. But what do you…
Essential Oils 101!
If you are somewhat local to me check out my next Essential Oils class! If you’ve been talking to another…
The View These Days
This is the tension I live in these days. This is my view. It was startling when he was old…
Worst Baseball Mom Ever
I think God sits up in heaven laughing at us sometimes. Especially when it comes to us and our children.…
Don’t Blink
Don’t turn your back. Don’t look away. Don’t blink. – from Doctor Who The enemy would like nothing more than…
Clarity is a blend of essential oils that may promote a clear mind and mental alertness. It also may help…
Hello 2015
Hello again. It’s been awhile since I’ve written here on the blog. Honestly as I write this I can’t even…
Keep Serving, Stay Faithful
Some dreams you spend years praying for. Dreams that are not even your own. A dream that is so apparent…

Answer Not Argue
I stood smiling although I truly had no desire to smile. The words coming from the other person felt too…
Ningxia Red & Slique Essence
I NEVER thought I would want to drink Ningxia Red every day. I mean, I was not interested in trying…
Four Cups – A Giveaway
What if God has had a plan for your life since the very beginning? Not just the beginning of your…
Don’t Waste Good
Optimism seems very rare these days. I catch negativity seeping from my own words as well. The media, social and…

Don’t Believe the Lies
“What makes you think you can do this?” “You will never be good enough to succeed at this.” “She is…
What I’m Replacing
I was dropping off a bottle of Purification for someone a few days ago to her husband. When he paid…
Understanding and Silence
I am not sure any of my rambling thoughts in this post will make sense to anyone. I have written…
A Code You Can Live By
Gibb’s rules: One of my favorite parts of NCIS although I don’t necessarily agree with all of them. Do you…
DIY Insect Repellent
A few weeks ago I made up a little bottle of spray using Purification as a deodorizer spray. Tonight I…
Trust Your Training
“Trust your training,” she told her. The agent normally behind a computer was working in the field for the first…
Today I woke before my alarm. I blame this on age. Today I spent the morning staring at a computer…
As I was serving at church earlier this week, my campus pastor and another staff member were talking. I had to…
Dots of White
Week 15/52 – White Little white wildflowers dot the sides of the roads now that spring has arrived.
Blue Sky
Blue Sky – Week 14/52 – Radiate When blue sky peeks through on a cloudy day it is such a…
Sunset Over Birmingham
I had some time Friday afternoon in Birmingham and decided to see if I could find a good place to…
The Devil Walks In Mattingly by Billy Coffey
I rarely review books here on my blog anymore. Honestly I rarely read fiction now. Billy Coffey’s novels are the…
The Devil Walks In Mattingly
It’s no secret I’m a fan of Billy Coffey’s novels. His latest novel The Devil Walks in Mattingly releases today.…
Blessing or Luck
I’ve read posts lately suggesting we should not say we are blessed when referencing business or financial success. How does…
Filtered Sun
I never can quite capture how beautiful the rays of sunlight are when filtering down through the clouds.
Let me tell you about Frank…
Frankincense that is. Oh my I love this essential. I personally use frankincense in my homemade face wash as well…
You Need Only to Be Still
The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. – Exodus 14:14 (NIV) As we wait for…
According to the Need of the Moment
Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to…
Children’s Harbor in Winter
I love how the shadow of the chapel steeple was falling across the lighthouse.
Lemon & Honey Sugar Scrub
I love this sugar scrub recipe. It leaves your skin feeling soft and moisturized. I use lemon, but you could…
Image Bearers
I believe God’s creation was meant to reflect His glory. I love the sky. Sunrises, clouds drifting across blue sky,…
Slow Word
Prayer is often a slow work. Slowly I am learning to pray first when something upsets me. I do not…
The Cardinal
Last week on the second snow day I opened the front door to see this cardinal flying across our…
Snow Days
We spent the last three days snowed in here in our deep south little town. It was quite nice.…
Around Here
Around here…I hear the bounce of the basketball often and someone is still loving basketball even though the season is…
His Workmanship
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would…
R at 9 Months
Can not believe this precious baby girl is 9 months old already! She is a drool monster and at that…
500 Words, Physical Science, & Brain Mush
You wouldn’t think five hundred words a day would be difficult. You might be wrong. I have missed a…
In Him All Things
For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or…
Most look at bare winter trees and think imperfection. But for me beneath what seems like imperfection I see beauty.
We are ten minutes into the commute home. One minute he is watching something on his phone then he looks…
The Post about Kiffin & the University of Alabama
So I have some thoughts on the Lane Kiffin hire at the University of Alabama as offensive coordinator. A hire…
500 Words
500 Words. It’s day four as I write this and I’m wondering what on earth I was thinking to commit…
Children’s Chapel
Participating in the M4H Project 52. This week’s theme was reflection. The sun peeked out for just a bit on…
And He said, my presence will go with you and I will give you rest. – Exodus 33:14 Be still…
Goodbye 2013. Hello 2014.
Goodbye 2013. You were a rough year. Full of what felt like so many downs with a few ups along…
Celebrating Adoption
Adoption is very close to my heart. As an adoptive parent, I know personally the costs of adoption and am…
Sweet Littles
I have been photographing these sweet little ones since they were each born. It is always such fun looking back…
When You Are Offended
I gave up trying to choose a One Word for the year a few years ago. Every time I chose…
Why We Left Public School
In April of 2012 we took a step of faith. We walked through the doors of a private Christian school…
Celtic Call – Part 2
I have vague memories of sitting with my grandfather at the piano. I don’t remember him playing. But I remember…