Let the Words of My Mouth
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my…
Learning More about Essential Oils
I’ve shared about essential oils over the past month. (I almost can’t believe I managed 31 posts in October.) And…
Ahhh…Motivation. When I really need to get a lot accomplished and those tasks involve a lot of motion, Motivation combined…
Laundry Detergent with Essential Oils
A great way to save money is by making your own laundry detergent. It’s not as difficult as it sounds…
How to Use Essential Oils – Internally
Just as I shared in my post on how to use essential oils topically, always read the directions on the…
How to Use Essential Oils – Aromatically
I was always skeptical about aromatherapy. I mean you see scented candles and soaps and hand soaps that boast ‘aromatherapy’,…
How to Use Essential Oils – Topically
When I first received my kit of essential oils I was almost afraid to use them. What if I did…
Thieves Household Cleaner
I began using the Thieves Household Cleaner a couple of months ago and I can’t imagine going back to the…
Why Essential Oils Work
Essential oils are the life blood of plants. They are the vital fluids necessary for the plant to live. Essential…
Oh So Lovely Lemon
Oh how I love lemon. Lemon essential oil is definitely one of my favorite essential oils. The second oil in…
Young Living Essential Oils
Not all essential oils are created equal. The ones I see at health food stores say they cannot be taken…
Celtic Call
It was the music. It always stops me. I never dared speak my thoughts aloud. To say I somehow knew…
Why Essential Oils
Without a doubt, God lead me to essential oils. For most of my life, I have watched my mother deal…
Halfway to Hippie
31 Days of Essential Oils and Other Natural Remedies, etc… It’s true. I might should have been born a decade…
I Don’t Need a Tribe
You hear a lot these days in the blogging world about building a tribe. I understand authors and businesses needing…
Insane Courage
He walks up sidewalk through barely familiar doors. I pray for Holy Spirit to wash peace over my soul. New…
Well Hello Again
I disappeared from the blog for a while. First there was taking a courageous step. New routines, new places require…

When Mockingbirds Sing
I almost never do reviews on my blog these days. I don’t like giving bad reviews so I’ve…
Authenticity. It’s a word we hear a lot of lately. It’s not a bad thing. I believe it’s a response…
Carrying Their Light
“Maybe they just needed someone else to hold a lamp for a little while.” – Preston Yancey I listen…
An Artist
Edited: Congratulations, Lisa Notes! You won the giveaway! I stepped back. And for the first time, after four years, I…
Letting Go of Fear
I listen as others’ ways of worship and experiencing God are condemned. As I share how a social media outlet…
Choosing to Trust
Some stories take time to be shared. Often you have to find a balance when your story is so intertwined…
The Cost of Hope
You sit. You wait. You dare to hope. And this hope? It is not without cost. I haven’t been able…
Trust in the Waiting
Waiting. This season I am in is filled with waiting. I wait at golf courses as my son practices with…
“This is my heart’s desire. This is becoming my dream. But is my heart aligning with yours? Is it your…
The thoughts clutter her mind now. Brain damage frustrating a mind once sharp. Words falter somewhere deep inside the recesses…
Beloved: greatly loved; dear to the heart. My name: Amy. It means beloved. It’s taken me years to rest in…
French Doors
We drive along the stretch of road not often taken when I am there. I see it ahead as we…
Trusting & Unoffended: One Word 2013
I quit choosing a word. The years I did the choosing met with failure. No, best to let the word…
The year is winding down and sufficient taught me a great deal. More than anything, though, I think sufficient taught…
Not Defective
I drove past a church last week. I know that really is not news considering I live in the Deep…
These random thoughts seem to have circled their way through my mind over the past week or so. Each different,…
The Sticker
I am so glad the election day is over. Not because of the political posturing back and forth. Although not…
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to…
Grace Unthreatened
He rants about politics. At almost thirteen years old, he wants to watch presidential debates and ask thousands of questions.…
It’s an election year. Not only nationally but locally for us. Which means someone had the idea to resurface many…
Your Turn
If you had to choose only two books to give to people which two would they be not including the…
Today I am wondering: Why the city needed to tar and gravel our road. Why some churches are so afraid…
Tangible Grace
The past few months have felt like one giant learning curve. I have pushed and am pushing myself out of…
The Potter
But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us…
You Are Clay
I plop down the clay to wheel. Trying to remember as much from the demonstration as I can. Pressing foot…
Fresh Air & Place of Freedom: A Giveaway
UPDATED: Thank you to all who entered! The winner has been drawn & contacted! I am so excited to share…
Love Her Anyway
I walk into the coffee shop unsure of what to expect. I pray for wisdom, but mostly for grace. I…
Throwing Clay & a Giveaway
Updated: Thank you all for entering! The winner has been drawn and contacted! I have never thrown clay. As crafty…
Right Now
Right now I don’t have many words for this space. Today the rain and clouds seem to have lasted for…
The Broken Redeemed
Delight yourself in the LORD ; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to…
Still Small Voice
Some days I wonder if my words, if what I write here, will be heard. I’m okay with having a…
Rest My Child
Rest my child. These gifts I’ve Formed in you Yes give life But at times drain Wounding heart. For a…
All Is Grace
All I have to do is look to the sky and He reminds me all is grace. Taken with iPhone…
Sir William the Goat
I like goats. Maybe because my parents’ next door neighbors had goats on the back of their property and if…
In the Bones
The creek winds alongside the two lane highway as we make our way to the small town. The foothills the…
Ache of Heaven
“The ache for heaven is strong today, the longing for a new earth.” I read these words from Emily and…
Struggling to Forgive
Type then delete. Type then delete. I’ve started this post and started it again unsure about sharing these thoughts for…
I stare at the screen waiting for words to come. This is where I struggle. This part of the resistance…
I had a tough time deciding whether to share these in color or black and white. To view these in…
Shift in Vocabulary
Michael Hyatt shared on his blog last week about how our vocabulary has the power to change our attitude. His…
Storms a Comin’
I sit moving slowly front to back in white rocker as I study. The summer heat tolerable some afternoons on…
Conversations with Ourselves
Today I’m guest posting for Preston Yancey in the blog series Conversations with Ourselves where writers address their past selves…
Yo-Yo Heart
I sat down this morning to work on a couple of posts I have in progress only to find my…
When Friends Leave Your Church
Today I’m guest posting over at Joy in this Journey. As I’ve read Joy’s posts about leaving their church and…
Field of Sunflowers
This field of sunflowers blooms each year. Every year I say I’m going to stop and take photos and never…
Staying Amazed
Once again I find myself considering the power of gratitude and bringing those thoughts to this space. I’m beginning to…
I’m sitting under the ceiling fan in our den as I write this with an ice pack on the back…
Your Words & Art as Worship
I think as writers, especially those of us with small audiences, we wonder if we’re just another voice adding noise…
Movement & Battle
The lake barely moves. The most gentle waves ripple toward the pier. Almost dusk, boats and others make their way…
Where Does this Road Lead?
“Let’s take this road,” the friend would say. Oh the fun of the “where does this road lead?” game. We…
Hard Gratitude
Wall of sand along beach filled with broken shells. Some experiences in life I’m not sure you ever learn to…
Fighting the Resistance
I stumble to the kitchen reaching into the refrigerator for orange juice. Some need their coffee. I need orange juice.…
Amidst the Noise
“I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.” Psalm…
The Tractor
You never know what you will find in old barns. My great-grandparents bought this John Deer in the early 1950s.…
Giving Up “hope”
We walked along the pathway, nervous, our expectations unsure. We asked questions and observed as we walked along this new…
I am.
Words fumble out when someone asks me what I do. A question I rarely know how to answer. So much…
Cows & Horses
The past month has been busy. Good, but busy. And busy feels a bit unbalanced at the moment. Words coming…
Tiny Butterfly & Wildflowers
A neighborhood with wide open spaces calls. Each season new joys reveal themselves. I have only a few minutes before…
Small Provisions
…always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father; (Ephesians…
Field of Orange Lilies
Lilies are blooming all over this time of year. This little field of lilies were in front of the home…
I sigh looking at more piles of laundry. Feeling like I had just washed yesterday although it had been four…
Pink Lilies
These lilies in my in-laws yard always take my breath away each May. Do you see the butterfly? It flittered…
Break the Rules
I set the tripod up. The hill overlooking the lake giving me a perfect view of the moon. I look…
Tiny Blooms
I forget the name of the flower. Mums maybe. An autumn favorite. Potted in the fall along side the front…
Hidden Away
I don’t know how many times how I had driven by before noticing this old barn sitting off from the…
Success & Worth
“Don’t say that out loud,” he tells me in frustration. “Why?” I ask. “Because,” he says in exasperation. “I don’t…
I don’t usually share from the photography sessions I have here. But the 3 from Here & There prompt gave…
Mystery and Paradox
The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised. Matthew 27:51 (NASB) I…
Amidst Rubble
Do you see it? Maybe a little closer. I’ve mentioned before how my chiropractor is always on the look out…
I begin a new painting. Unsure of what I want it to be. No inspiration photo to guide me this time.…
A Year of Eucharisteo
A few days ago my friend Stacey shared “It’s taken 11 months, but I’m putting together that rejoicing is about a…
I Believe in Miracles but Sometimes I Doubt
I believe God still performs miracles. I know people who have experienced them. Yet there are times I doubt. I…
Have you ever heard someone say “they must not be living right” when they hear of others going through a…
The Misperception of Perfection
He climbs in the van and we maneuver the small town traffic to his art teacher’s studio. He loves art…
Until the Cows Come Home
I’ve taken lots of photos this week. Old barns. Abandoned houses. Will share those soon. I’m fascinated with cows lately,…
Empty Promises by Pete Wilson: A Review
Pete Wilson, pastor of Crosspoint in Nashville, TN, released his second book this week. Empty Promises tackles the uncomfortable issue…
Red clover cover medians and line roadsides. A pop of color as grass and trees revive with green. Each year telling…
I sit watching as sun streams through my windows. Yellow walls glow as day begins to brighten. Sunrise – the…
Playing along with the 3 from Here & There photo play. “People don’t change from the past; they simply become…
Southern Spring
Just a quick post to share some photos of what spring is looking like around here. Kelly Sauer asked us…