The Blog


April 16 – POTD – Tulips We pass by a church on our way to school each day that has…

Egg Hunt, Easter, Piano and Soup

April 11 – POTD – Saturday we took DS to our church's Easter Egg Hunt.  I had to snap photos…

Conquer the Caption

Rachel does a weekly Conquer the Caption over on her blog. Today I have a photo that needs a caption.…

Science for Kids

Do you have a little science lover in your home? I do. He loves science as much as he loves…

Birds and Blooms

April 5 – POTD – a rainy morning outside my window, but all the rain still doesn't seem to be…

I love bright sunny Saturdays.

There's just something about Saturdays and weekends. Being able to catch up at an easy pace especially with the temp…


The wisteria is in bloom almost everywhere in our town or at least it seems that way. A sure sign…

Rain, Rain, Go Away….

It seems like it has rained for days on end. To be honest we have had days of sunshine, but…

The Underneath – A Review

When I saw The Underneath by Kathi Appelt at our children's library it piqued my interest. I know you can't…

It’s not an April Fool’s Joke.

Check out the Scrap, Etc site. Here's the info. 🙂 No April Fool's Joke!!! You can win a FREE space…

Love this quote.

Found this quote over on mwrites today. Thought I'd share. Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Photography Friday – March 27

So the last thing I posted about was ISO right? So for today let's talk about how aperture and shutter…

March 27 – POTD

I've been seeing several of these redbirds (are they cardinals?) in our yard for a couple of weeks, but they…

Bath Time…..

……for our sweet girl.  When I bathe her she stands up, but for DH she sits. I love how she's…

New York City – Day 6 (continued) & Day 7

After leaving the Statue of Liberty we decided to visit the World Trade Center site. We found it easily after…

Photos of the Day

Playing catch up a little bit with my Photos of the Day. March 19 – I went home for a…

New York City – Day 6 – Statue of Liberty

We knew we couldn't visit New York City without visiting the Statue of Liberty.  So on Day 6 we hopped…

New York City – Day 5 (continued)

So after leaving Central Park we trekked over to the Museum of Modern Art.  We really enjoyed our visit to…

A Perfect Day for Golf

The weather was just about perfect today.  I told DS I would take him to the golf range so he…

Are Kids too Busy?

Without Wax has a great blog post up today and it started me thinking again about something I've often thought…

New York City – Day 4

On Wednesday I trekked about 30 blocks through the snow down 5th Avenue along Central Park East  to the Metropolitan…

Meet Charlie

March 17 – POTD – Meet Charlie Charlie is the new puppy belonging to the other set of nephews and…

Birds on a rainy day.

It's been raining almost non-stop here since the wee hours of the morning Saturday morning with a slight break Sunday…

Playing with Max

Our niece and nephew are visiting for a couple of days with their parents during Spring Break. They brought their…

Dinner Out

Tonight we traveled to Birmingham with my in-laws to meet family that was down from Tennessee for a soccer tournament.…

Chalk Art

Last night was our Upward Basketball program's awards night. This year Jason Anthony returned as as guest speaker for the night.…

Art Supplies

POTD – March 12 – Had to make a trip to Hobby Lobby to buy art supplies for DS.


Those were DS's words when he realized that 2 of his friends had left their Auburn caps at our house…

Clue Anyone?

POTD – March 9 DS loves board games. And he always wants to play them when I am rushing to…

A Sunday Stroll through Camp.

We live near a beautiful lake. Near the south end of the lake there is a wonderful camp that hosts…

PKS, Sunrise, & Off to the Races

March 5 – POTD – PKS (Photographer's Kid Syndrome) I either get complete cheese or utter disdain. Today the cheese.…

Art Lessons

DS finished his first painting from art lessons last week. An oil pastel of a mountain scene. We're entering it…

Tackling it.

You can find me guest tackling over at 5 Minutes for Mom today for Tackle-It Tuesday. 

Dear Grandparents,

I know you love your grandchild. I really do appreciate all the ways in which you spoil him.  I love…

New York – Day 2

Monday dawned and I was on my own. My sister had a conference to attend so on Sunday night I…

Sundays at Tiffany’s

James Patterson is an author that usually keeps you on the edge of your seat with thrillers like the Women’s…

The Edible Schoolyard

Have you heard of the Edible Schoolyard? The first one, started at a school in Berkley, California 11 years ago.  In…


I cleaned house most of the day, went to pick DS up from school and came home and folded and…

This house….

is closing in on me. So I'm spending today straightening and scrubbing it clean.  I finally finished editing the photos…

When you join Facebook make sure you have your yearbook handy.

I'm sure you've heard of Facebook, unless of course you've been living under a rock. (Hey, I'm not judging. I…

Recipe share

Chicken Packets   2 cups chicken, cooked and chopped (I usually use a little more). 3 oz cream cheese, softened…

Stormy Weather

February 27 – POTD – Weather was crazy yesterday. School dismissal was delayed by 30 minutes. And of course it…

Weirding me out.

I have google set as my home page. I have several gadgets on there. My google reader, my gmail, bible…

It’s rare….

that our cat will let DS cuddle with him.  So yesterday's photo didn't turn out great. It's out of focus,…

Hump Day

Just another hump day. Not much to report. Oh I signed up on twitter. Now if I can just figure…

I turned 35 today…..

and this is the best birthday present I've ever received.  (No offense to any of my family members.) Inside this…

It’s coming.

The talk….I know it's coming and probably sooner than I care for it to. A couple of weeks ago DS had a…

Photography Friday – February 20

Just ignore that this is being posted on Sunday and pretend it's Friday. 🙂 Last week we talked about aperture…

February 21 & 22

February 21 – POTD -  DH had to fill in for their coach yesterday and I'm not sure what caused…

The Drama

Before having children I was under the impression that having a boy would exempt me from experiencing the overly dramatic…

Busy Week

February 17 – POTD – Just a glimpse at my calendar. Crazy week. February 18 – POTD – DS at…

Written Word Wednesdays

I love to read. I always have. There were many nights my mother would find me hiding under the covers reading…


Do you like hummus?  I do, but the first recipe I tried although good was a bit bland. So I…

A Boy and his Dog

This morning DS went outside to play in his sandbox. As I was cleaning up the kitchen I looked out…

My girl

February 15 – POTD – took some photos of my sweet girl this afternoon. Her honey colored eyes just melt…

Teaching them to love their enemies……

is one of the hardest aspects of parenting. DS came home a couple of days ago brimming with stories of…

365 and a recipe

February 13 – Got in the van and looked at the odometer. Just made me smile. February 14 – Made…

Photo Tip Friday

Phew! Sorry I missed a couple of weeks there.  Things are settling down and I should be back on track.…

What a way to “support” a good cause.

Go check out this post on Brandi's blog. I totally cracked up. And it's all for a good cause. I…

Catching Up

Catching up on my 365 photo project.  I did seem to miss January 29. I really thought I took a…

Traveling Encounters v. 2

So where did I leave off? Oh, yes. The older lady choking and we decided to go for a walk. …

Traveling Encounters – V. 1

Our flight to New York was pretty much uneventful except for a couple of experiences along the way.  Of course I'm going…

The Little Things

Today was kind of rough in the substitute arena area today. The kids I had weren't horrible by any means…


I have a tendency to stress myself out. It's not anything anyone else causes. I just tend to take on…

Hump Day

I'm here. As I start typing this it's 11:56 p.m. Way past my bed time and almost hump day. I've taken…


Just another dreary winter weekend here. I have done some crafting which is good and I'm still up on my…

Photo Tip Friday – January 23 – Shutter Speed

Things really started clicking for me when my DH bought me a digital SLR camera for Christmas one year. I…


Day 21 – Subbing at school thus the 365 photo for Day 21. Day 22 – Haircut Day – Suddenly…

A Monday on a Tuesday.

As a mom I do enjoy the days DS has a holiday from school. But I have to say I'm…

Days 18 & 19

Day 18 – DS enjoying the warmer weather with some basketball after church. Day 19-DS hates wearing jackets. It has…

Small Town Life #2

Little did I realize Friday afternoon when I decided we would go down to a new little market with a…

B’ball Day

Day 17 – The basketball games began today. DS decided to do some sort of strut/skip as he ran onto…

Well, hello Winter

Day 16 – Friday morning we awoke to frigid temps. Seriously, how do the people in the northern United States,…

What kind of grandmother…..

gives her almost 9 year old grandson a 1000 piece puzzle for Christmas? The kind who wants to torture her…

Day 14

DS loves our cat. (Not sure how the cat feels about him though.)

Grateful Morning

I've had some difficulty sleeping the past few weeks. It's not unusual for me to have a hard time falling…

Small Town Life – #1

I grew up what most people from the south would call "out in the middle of nowhere". No traffic lights,…

Day 8

As I was walking through the den I found the cat just sitting so prim and proper in a large…

It’s a good day.

The sun is out and the sky is blue. Temperatures are dipping back to normal winter temps. And I ordered…

Days 5 & 6

My 365 photos for yesterday and today. DS playing with a friend on their last day of Christmas break. And…

Days 3 & 4

So January 3 started out doing a bit of cleaning. The refrigerator to be exact. It desperately needed to be…


it’s day 2 of my photo a day project and I had to cheat a little already. But that’s okay.…

Wishing you a New Year…

filled with peace, love and joy. We've had a quiet day at home. I've managed to get a little scrapping…

My Gossling

School called about mid morning saying that DS had been to the nurses office complaining of a stomach ache and…

The Things He Says

The past few days have been ripe with funny conversations from DS. Friday it rained all day so we opted to…

The Power of Words

I have always been a very sensitive person. Some would say overly-sensitive and I would have to agree. I'm not…

The Things He Says

One of the enrichment activities in our school is called Quest. DS loves it because it involves a lot of…

I have to give props…

to Toyota. You see, I have a Toyota Sienna which I dearly love.  Yes, I know it’s just an object,…

Nurturing Creativity

I see it in everything DS does, his imagination and creativity. In his chalk drawings on the driveway, in his…

more conversations

DS bought a book about George Washington and King George and the Revolutionary War at the bookstore yesterday. He was…

Why Does Custom Photography Cost More?

I found the following information on this site. It’s great info that I thought I’d share. Digital technology is brilliant. …

movie making

I think I have figured out how to post a video to Youtube. So let’s see if I can embed…

love this quote

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." —  Scott Adams

Don’t you love it….

when your child comes to the conclusion that you are right about something? This morning on the way to church…


I have strepp throat. I haven’t had strepp since I was a toddler — 30 years ago. Good news is…

quote to ponder…….

even if it is from a silly old bear. “You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for…

San Francisco

"The Bay area is so beautiful I hesitate to preach about heaven while I’m here." – Billy Graham "It’s an…


we made it safely to San Francisco. we flew over colorado springs and the rocky mountains. amazing!!! my face was…

Lessons from Scooby-Doo

DS says yesterday evening, "we don’t ever want to get a GPS." (And I’m wondering how he even knows what…

Going Gray

My hair has slowly been growing gray for about 10 years now, since my early twenties. And I have refused…

question of the day

"Mama, what do you look like without glasses?" I’d never thought that he rarely ever sees me without my glasses…

I’ve been meaning….

to explain the title of my blog: Ordinarily Extraordinary. It’s not titled this because I think I’m an extraordinary person.…

Sweet Home Alabama

For some reason my son will not go to children’s choir and for me it’s not worth the battle of…


Yesterday afternoon my son was helping me get the garbage cans emptied when he says "did I tell you thank…

Just maybe….

my son is getting most of the values we are trying to instill in him. On the way home from…

great teachers

I’ve had many wonderful teachers throughout my years in school and college. Mrs. Johnson who took my entire 3rd grade…

When I Grow Up

I am a scrapbooker. I am a writer (detailing/remember the little things and the big). I am a photographer (hobbyist,…

nature’s wonders

As I was substitute teaching in second grade today I looked out the window to see hundreds of dandelion seeds…

My First Post

So after a year of thinking about it I finally decided to start a blog. Reading scrapbookers, writers, and photographers…

Copyright © 2023 Amy Nabors.