Walking in Faith When There Is No Resolution


A friend’s hurtful words push us to our knees. Heart broken in a hundred pieces. “Forgive” He tells us. So we almost daily release the hurts to Him. We extend grace. Yet it is not received. We learn to live without the resolution for which we hoped.

bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. (Colossians 3:13 NASB)

Loved ones diagnosed with chronic diseases. A new normal of learning to cope and managing the pain. Not the resolution for which we prayed.

There is not always a tidy little bow to wrap around life’s disappointments.

Sometimes the only resolution is one that we do not want which in our view is not really a resolution.

Perhaps God uses these disappointments to teach us faith. To allow us to grow in the unknowing.

Oh it’s not easy. At least not for those of us who sense the space between seen and unseen.

Our humanity wants a pretty little package of closure. Of resolution to the experiences our spirits can not quite grasp. Is it that society has programmed us to want every experience and circumstance complete with happy endings?

Never are we promised happy. We can discover joy, but happy is dependent on circumstances and circumstances are not always happy. So we must seek the secret of finding joy. There are days when we battle to seek those gifts, to give thanks and find joy.

I wonder if it is a life long process this discipline of seeking and living eucharisteo. I am beginning to believe walking in faith is also a process. And that maybe the only resolution we can depend upon is one which we will not see until God makes everything complete in His time.

So we learn to rest in the unknown. We learn to trust in spite of the questions. Experiences may remain unresolved yet His faithfulness reminds us that He will work all things for good. The experiences may not be good. We may not receive the resolution we want. But we walk in faith that He will work all things for good.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NASB)

Do you have a hard time trusting and resting in the unknown when the resolutions aren’t as you hoped?

Linking up with Peter Pollock and the One Word at a Time Blog Carnival: Resolution.

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