What happened to my week?

I have blogged this week, but I never slowed down long enough to upload my photos for my 365 Photos.  So here we go.

Sunday, July 19 – The kiddo & a friend tubing on the lake.


Monday, July 20 – Cutting up the watermelon & cantaloupe from the Farmer's Market.


Tuesday, July 21 – Our sponsor packet from World Vision came today!


Wednesday, July 22 – The hubby and I had to go to Birmingham to St. Vincent's Hospital to take some things up for his dad while his mom was in the hospital. St. Vincent's has a baby grand piano in the lobby. It's also a player piano so of course I had to get a photo.


Thursday, July 22 – Our sweet dog has taken to coming in and sitting for a bit each day. I know, I said I'd never have a dog in the house.  She's so good though and just lays down and is content to be there with us. The kiddo loves on her a lot.


Friday, July 24 – I'm slowing working on an Amy Butler pattern. Slowly being the key word here.


Saturday, July 25 – The kiddo has been watching Deadlist Catch I think. He made a lego fishing boat.


Sunday, July 26 – I never know where I will find Legos. I found these laying on my kitchen towel as I started cooking this afternoon. They needed a bath after an adventure in the sandbox and in the mind of a 9 year old the towel was the best place for them to dry.


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