This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt at The Gypsy Mama was “When I Look In the Mirror.” Below are my rambling thoughts in five minutes of writing.
When I look in the mirror I see glimpses of the person God created me to be. I see confidence emerging. Wanting to be me. Not someone else. To find my own creative self uncaring of the expectations others suffocate me with. Grey hair and an unmade face stare back, but there is more than a plain face. I see God’s child. I see Him growing a once timid and fearful girl. Showing her the way of gratitude for the graces. Learning to trust. Do others see these glimpses? Do I see glimpses of the person God created them to be? As I learn to see myself as He created me I must learn to see others as He created them. Fearfully, wonderfully made. It’s how He wants me to see.