The Train Museum

So my impatient sister has been waiting on these photos. Be warned this post will be a photo overload.I’m still only about half way through editing the photos from our little trip to the train museum, but thought I would go ahead and post some of the photos just so everyone knows I’m still alive.  We’ve had an unusually hot beginning to our summer so the day we went was very hot and can I just say I hate shooting in noon day sun. It doesn’t make for the best photos at least where people are your subjects.

Last week was a crazy busy week, but I survived with only a summer cold to remind me of it as well as the first power point slide show I’ve ever done. Hoping that it’s on it’s way out of my system. Thankfully today we have nothing to do really except 2 errands and some laundry. I’m planning on doing several scrapbooking challenges today amidst all the laundry. And I’ll also be posting the cards I stamped Saturday for my upcoming stamp camp once I get them scanned. If you are in my area and would like to attend the cost is only $15.00 and the date is June 21 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Just click on the e-mail me link for more info if you are interested. There are still 2 spots available. More to come later. 🙂














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