Blessing or Luck

I’ve read posts lately suggesting we should not say we are blessed when referencing business or financial success. How does saying your success is a blessing come across to those who by the world’s standards aren’t as successful? Or is it just luck?

I understand this. Are we telling those who do not have as much or are struggling that God is not blessing them? As if His blessing can only be manifest in financial success or possessions? There are those who do not have much as the world sees it yet they say they are incredibly blessed.

But should we not give God the credit when we do have success? Should we not give Him thanks for all we have?

in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

We are commanded to give thanks in everything. Does ‘in everything’ not mean in all situations as well as for all things?

Here in Ephesians it says ‘for all things.’

always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father; – Ephesians 5:20

Where is the balance is found? How do you give God the credit for all that you have yet not give others the impression that blessing always comes in the form of what the world sees as success?

Perhaps the balance is found in giving thanks for the circumstances the world would not view as success and choosing to view them as blessing. If we only choose to give thanks and consider ourselves blessed when we see the world’s definition of success playing out in our lives and not in the difficult times, are we truly blessed?

We are blessed when our spirit finds joy not in our possessions or success or even our circumstances, but only in the One from whom all things are given.

Have you ever struggled with this balance?


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