I sit watching as sun streams through my windows. Yellow walls glow as day begins to brighten. Sunrise – the paint aptly named. Birds awaken just before dawn. Sharing their songs, their gifts, all at once. Each so different yet forming one masterpiece. I never tire of listening to them.
I sit, legs curled under blanket, in the same chair almost each morning. Watching out the glass door and windows. Trees and plants morphing from one season to another. Branches and limbs embracing change with grace knowing their roots are firmly planted.
Change is never easy. At times carrying anticipation and excitement. Yet often change frightens. Comfort zones mire us in misleading safety. Pushing away the safety of our comfort zone may not seem safe. Almost always it is an act of faith. Of learning to trust.
Without change spring green leaves do not sprout. Without change autumn colors fail to paint my favorite season.
Slowly, I am learning to embrace change. I am learning there are times you have to take a deep breath and jump. There are times you have to simply trust and know that He is sufficient even when shadows threaten. There are times we just have to do it afraid.
Without change we cannot grow.
Have you taken any leaps lately? What gifts are you counting today?
Continuing to count the gifts:
862. For a second productive day in a row. (2.28.12)
863. For grocery shopping at Publix. (2.29.12)
864. For grilled cheeses. (2.29.12)
865. For washing machines. (3.1.12)
866. For a delicious dinner at Springhouse. (3.1.12)
867. For words flowing. (3.1.12)
868. For birds singing. (3.2.12)
869. For energy, motivation & breath to run and walk. (3.2.12)
870. For walking onto the porch and seeing a full rainbow across the road. (3.2.12)
871. For safety through the storms. (3.2.12)
872. For Sundays. (3.4.12)
873. For a morning & subject to photograph. (3.5.12)
874.. For energy to complete the tasks on my list. (3.5.12)
875. For energy & motivation to exercise. (3.6.12)
876. For another productive day marking off the to do list. (3.6.12)
877. For headache relief. (3.7.12)
878. For my essay even being considered. (3.7.12)
879. For another productive day. (3.8.12)
880. For listening to the rain as it falls outside the window. (3.9.12)
881. For laughter from Sam and his friend. (3.10.12)
882. For sunlight breaking through the clouds. (3.11.12)
883. For a burst of energy. (3.12.12)
884. For energy to finish the bathroom painting. (3.13.12)
885. For Sam’s laughter. (3.13.12)
886. For crock-pots. (3.13.12)
887. For Sam always asking me if I’ve had a good day. (3.14.12)
888. For the feeling you get after a haircut. (3.15.12)
889. For spring showers. (3.16.12)
890. For tips that work to get yellow stains out of white shirts. (3.17.12)
891. For four miles and no ankle pain. (3.22.12)
892. For boys’ laughter. (3.22.12)
893. For an $18 lamp. (3.22.12)
894. For birds singing in the rain. (3.23.12)
895. Sunrise and clouds over the trees. (3.24.12)
896. For my friend Stacey. (3.26.12)
897. For talks with Sam. (3.26.12)
898. For getting through the day on three and a half hours of sleep. (3.26.12)
899. For eight hours of sleep. (3.27.12)
900. For waking before sunrise. (3.27.12)
901. For changes of heart. (3.28.12)
902. For confirmations after nine months of prayer.(3.28.12)
903. For a sweet baby, an old oak, open fields and the foothills. (3.29.12)
904. For doing it afraid. (3.30.12)
905. For glow in the dark eggs and friends. (3.30.12)
906. For productive pajama days. (3.31.12)
907. For rain storms and sky glowing with lightning. (3.31.12)
908. For early mornings with words flowing. (4.1.12)