
I hesitated to use this as my photo for Photo Friday and for my 5 Minute Friday post. When I share this it is not in a boastful way. There is no way I could do this in my own strength. Only by His grace.

As I was thinking earlier this week about what photo I could take for the theme of “defeat,” I was stumped. Nothing was coming to mind except the loss of a ballgame which of course I had no opportunity to capture. One friend suggested piles of laundry because as a mom it does seem never ending and you always have a sense of defeat when you look at those piles of clothes.

But then as I was going about my day Wednesday a thought struck me. What if I captured an image of something that helped me defeat something? The first thing and only thing that I thought of was running and how I’ve lost weight.

I do use the term running loosely here. I know there are those who run half and full marathons who would laugh at the measly pace and distance I run. They can laugh.

I’ve written about my exercise journey before. I don’t think I’ve ever considered it as defeating something though.

The older I got moving from early thirties to mid-thirties the more my metabolism slowed. While walking at a good pace used to help me maintain my weight it was no longer working. Between my sister’s wedding and so many of friends talked about running I decided to try it. I never thought I would be able to run. Never.

So this is my photo for defeat. Who knows how long I can defeat the slowing metabolism and disdain for exercise, but it’s been a year now since I started and I find myself missing it when I skip more than a day so I think it’s a habit now.


Linking up with xoxo, Trina for Photo Friday.

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