Fighting the Resistance

I stumble to the kitchen reaching into the refrigerator for orange juice. Some need their coffee. I need orange juice.

It’s barely after 5:30 a.m. I was awake until midnight. A bit later than usual, but these days it makes no difference how early I fall asleep. Eyes heavy my body pushing my mind back to sleep. Sometimes body wins and sleep comes again. Other times neither win out as I lay there not sleeping, but not starting the day either.

Body vs. Spirit

This is my struggle. Body so tired yet spirit wanting, but weak.

Of course I’m greeted by the view above when spirit wins the battle. So often though I allow my body to win. The morning rush then taking over and words soon forgotten.

Words flow to my mind early in the morning and late at night when I lay head to pillow. In the morning when the house is quiet and before the tasks of the day assault my mind. Before others can pull and tug at what they want from me.

On mornings when I start my day early I realize how much I can accomplish so one would think I would be more inclined to start my day when my mind tries to nudge my feet to floor so early.

Yes, it’s truly a battle. I think to myself “if I can just make it a habit. Habits overcome resistance.”

Steven Pressfield calls the struggle creatives fight against the resistance. And it’s true. There is resistance.

I wonder if there is more to the resistance than we may realize. Especially for those of us whose faith and art wrap tightly with one another.

Is this resistance the enemy trying to suffocate the gifts God has given us to share?

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. – Genesis 1:27 NASB

I believe we are all creative in our own ways. No, some may not be defined as creatives, yet we are all gifted in some way. He created us in His image after all. The ultimate creator created us in His image. Perhaps the resistance is stronger for those defined as creatives. Though I can’t say for certain I wonder. Or is it because those of us who create with words, paint, music, and images release something so much a part of our spirit? People connect with music, words, art and images in a way unlike any other. And so often it’s how we connect with God. It’s how we connect others to their Creator.

Art Must Be Shared

Art must be shared. Why else would the need to create feel so strong? Because our art is a gift. And just as with grace if we hold on too tightly we strangle it. We must hold our gifts with open hands. Grasping our gifts, our art, too tightly hides their reflection of the Creator.

This is my challenge. Making a habit of carving out time each day to write. Blocking out distractions of the day and focusing on the words He gives. Somehow making it all work together in harmony.

In what aspects of life do you find yourself fighting the resistance?

Life: Unmasked

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Copyright © 2023 Amy Nabors.