
the ornaments are on the tree. well, some of my ornaments are on the tree. i decided to do some major simplification this year. didn’t pull out near as many decorations or ornaments for the sake of my sanity. and the side of the tree that faces a wall….well, it just didn’t get dressed with any ornaments this year. i mean who’s going to see that side of it anyway. 🙂 i always buy DS a christopher radko ornament each year. this year we found one in the shape of alabama with a bear bryant hat on the corner of the state. simply perfect and DS had to be the one to hang it on the tree (after much threatening that if he dropped it i was robbing his piggy bank to pay for it.)  and the little snowman ornament…my first ornament. i was 10 months old when my mom got it for me. amazingly it’s still intact although i don’t know how. and do you think we have enough nutcrackers? trust me….the collection will continue to grow. DS looks forward to the nutcrackers every year and while they are out he does enjoy them. he plays very carefully with them and has little stories they act out. so fun to see his imagination. well, i’m exhausted from school today, editing photos and wrapping presents this afternoon and going to the grocery store for some craft supplies and a 40th birthday party this evening. it is definitely time for bed.


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