I’m procrastinating.

So I thought I'd share a few random things. Things that are interesting me or capturing my attention. Things that I'm looking forward to and things that I'm in the process of right now.  So be prepared. Randomness will probably ensue. It's just how my mind is working today.

We won't discuss the  pile of ironing I need to do or the basket of clothes that need to be put away (hey they did get folded) or the load of towels I need to fold. Or the half finished scrapbook page of my niece. Or the top I'm making for myself that needs to be hemed. Or the sash and headband I'm making for a friend. Let's not talk about those and the 50 other things I need to be working on.

I've found that if I can go for my walk earlier in the morning I'm pretty motivated and focused until I decide to take a warm shower and then I just want to take a nap.

I'm reading this book (book review to come soon) by Donald Miller and looking forward to getting his newest book

Also reading this book along with Angie and Jessica. Very interesting. Makes you think. They've set up a blog and online book club and I wish I had more time to interact over there.

Wondering how difficult it would be to transfer everything from my current blog to WordPress.

Looking forward to a new book called Evolving in Monkey Town although it's not available for several months. I'm enjoying the author's blog quite a bit.

One of my best friends should be back in town shortly with lunch from my newest favorite guilty pleasure. Seriously who decided chicken salad should be combined with bacon? I love them, but I think my hips hate them.

Wondering why our 10 year old cat keeps sitting beside the new kitten and swinging his tail knowing the kitten is going to grab at it.

I really get so much out of listening to the messages of this pastor.  It also makes me realize what a great thing technology can be when you can learn from a church hours away. He also has a book coming out next spring.

I'm sure I've mentioned that before. I tend to repeat things sometimes.

My husband just called to see if he could bring me lunch, but of course above mentioned friend is bringing me something. It was sweet of him though.

I really enjoy this guy's blog and his design skills. I think I've probably mentioned that on here before, too.

Pioneer Woman is in San Francisco. I'm jealous. I have her cookbook on pre-order.

Awaiting this book from Thomas Nelson to review for them. Dekker's books are always interesting although sometimes they are a bit much for me. This newest one should be interesting. Of course I'll be posting a review in the near future.

Speaking of Thomas Nelson I posted a comment on their CEO's blog yesterday to be entered for a chance to receive Andy Stanley's new book and was chosen. It's not one I'm being sent as a book review blogger, but of course I will  be posting a review once I've read it.

Really liking these scrapbooking papers by My Mind's Eye.  MME has probably been my favorite scrapping company for a while and they never dissappoint. Unfortunately I really don't need any more scrapping supplies. I did however buy this kit from Cocoa Daisy by Ali Edwards. Seriously delightful.

I need to get some photos ordered so I can start on some gifts.

If I can possibly find some pomengranate molasses here in this itty bitty city I live in I will be trying this salad sometime this weekend.

Well, I suppose that's enough randomness for one day. I've procrastinated a good hour away. Of course I can't post without a photo so here's another of the goldenrod blooming all around me. Have I mentioned I love Fall?


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