I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas day! We were able to spend time with our families over the past week and a half. Lots of great gifts and food. My mom made her wondeful sausage balls. So yummy! Christmas day we had a late lunch with Chris’s family and the family of one of our sisters-in-law. Santa brought our niece this. The four older cousins as well as two of the dads had such fun with it. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. And of course I have photos to preserve it for all posterity. Sam had fun opening his gifts and stacked them all up like always. He can’t wait to dig into the Geronimo Stilton books. He has a couple from this series and loves them. Santa brought the sets of them. Much to his dismay I’m making him finish the one he’s reading right now before he starts a new one. Of course he couldn’t wait to play his new PlayStation games. I’m totally amazed at how quickly he learns the new games. Here he is peeking out from behind his stack of gifts.
The weather finally turned cooler here in our corner of the south. It just didn’t feel like Christmas when it was 70 degrees on December 22.
I hope you all have a wonderful last week of the year. Hopefully I’ll have some scrapping and stamping to share in the next few days.