Michael Hyatt shared on his blog last week about how our vocabulary has the power to change our attitude. His post shared how simply changing a few words can shift our perspective. His thoughts were something I’ve also thought a great deal about over the past year.
I struggle with this. Especially when it comes to dinner and housework. Too often I look at the chores of running a home just as that. Chores.
Especially when it comes to cooking dinner. I do okay as long as I plan out the dinner menus ahead of time. But cooking is not something I enjoy. On occassion I enjoy baking muffins and breads, but cooking. Rarely, if ever.
I know I need to work on this and be grateful that I get to serve my family in this way.
I’m also struck with how changing just a few words of our vocabulary can change our perspective about church and even faith.
When we change our vocabulary in regards to volunteering at church it has even more power. Not only to affect our own perspective, but also that of others. Changing just a few words may have more power than you can imagine.
I walk into church each Sunday and observe people who are genuinely happy to be there. You can sense when someone is simply putting on a good face or if they are truly glad to be there. Seeing people volunteering and loving it is incredibly refreshing.
I think there are a few reasons for this. People serving in their gifts instead of wherever the church needs a volunteer makes an incredible difference. One I hope to share about in a later post, but a simple shift in vocabulary also makes an amazing impact.
We don’t have to go to church.
We get to go to church.
We don’t have to work.
We don’t have to volunteer.
We get to serve.
We get to serve so others can worship.
What if we all viewed volunteering at church as an act of service giving the gifts God has given each of us so others can experience Him?
Try shifting your vocabulary. It has changed my attitude about volunteering at church. Now I need to change my vocabulary with cooking and chores.
Do you struggle with your attitude with certain aspects of life at home or church?