Tangible Grace

The goldenrod seems to be bowing.
The past few months have felt like one giant learning curve. I have pushed and am pushing myself out of my comfort zone lately. In most ways it has been very good.

Learning new systems, new skills. Learning to give worries over sick parents to God immediately and capture thoughts trying to steal peace. Learning to say no to something good in order to say yes to other things God is laying on my heart. Learning algebra — again. Learning a new school and routines.

But the perfectionist in me? The perfectionist I have worked so hard to overcome? She tries to creep back in.

I hate making mistakes. Especially mistakes that cause more work for others. For too many years I thought I had to do everything perfectly in order to be liked. So admitting when I mess something up, I become frustrated with myself. I am learning to give myself grace.

Tangible Grace

But then there is grace from another. When tangible grace is given, not only does your heart understand more of the ultimate Grace, it also breathes life into your spirit.

When we speak and show grace to others we speak life into them.

How often I forget this. Expectations placed so high they can’t be reached. I hope I’m learning, though. The more I learn about Grace the more I am reminded to show grace to others. My prayers asking for my heart to understand Grace so I can show grace to others.

Heaven knows I can’t show grace on my own.

Life: Unmasked

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