Balance is a myth. These baskets of laundry sat on this bench in our bedroom waiting to be folded for a few days. The dishwasher needed to be emptied and a pile of dirty dishes sat in the sink for a couple of day and our floors need to be vacuumed. I chose to rest and nap one afternoon this past weekend instead of taking care of these chores.
The times when I have things all caught up at home AND caught up at work doesn’t always happen. Does my personality want things to be in place and everything at home taken care of and also have all my tasks on track at work and find time to do the things I love like my Young Living business and reading and crafting that feed my soul? Sure.
But I’ve also learned that there is grace. Grace for when I’m behind at work. (I’m so thankful for the great leaders I have at work.) Grace for when the baskets of clothes sit there for a few days before being folded. Grace for feeding my soul with the things I’m passionate about and love doing instead of chores. I have learned to give myself grace & let go of perfection when unexpected seasons of life require a bit of un-balance.
What are you learning to find grace for when you can’t quite stay caught up?